Step-by-Step instructions for planning, conducting, analyzing, and presenting audience surveys; generic survey questions that will be useful in a wide variety of arts settings; samples from actual questionnaires and visitors' surveys of the Seattle Opera and the Mississippi Museum of Art, among others.

Here is a practical instruction book prepared at the request of the National Arts Endowment's Research Division to help arts organizations conduct surveys that will enable them to identify and learn about their own individual problems and meet their unique challenges. It communicates the necessary information in ordinary language, without technical jargon.

It provides a badly needed base for generally improved planning in the arts and more specific communication between the individual arts organization and its audience. Research studies on the audience for the performing arts and museums have increased markedly in recent years. Arts managers need to know who makes up their audience and how that audience can be better reached and served. The research method of choice for understanding the arts audience has, increasingly, become the audience survey.

1. Why an audience survey.
2. Developing the questionnaire.
3. Sample design.
4. Collecting survey data.
5. Data processing.
6. Interpreting and presenting survey results.

Appendix: Model survey questions.

Step-by-Step instructions for planning, conducting, analyzing, and presenting audience surveys; generic survey questions that will be useful in a wide variety of arts settings; samples from actual questionnaires and visitors' surveys of the Seattle Opera and the Mississippi Museum of Art, among others.