A young nation adopts its constitution - Commemoration and Reflection

On 1 October 1920, the National Assembly approved and enacted the Constitution of the Austrian Republic which came into force on 10 November 1920. This basic law of the First Republic represents a body of laws which apart from a few minor amendments has been in force until this day. The Constitution of 1920 received worldwide recognition and is still considered exemplary.

The federal constitution's "father": Hans Kelsen

The renowned jurist and teacher of constitutional law, Hans Kelsen (1881 to 1973), played a significant role in the drafting of the Federal Constitution. Commissioned by Chancellor Karl Renner , the professor of law drew up a Republican Constitution. Enacted in 1920, this document forms the basis of the Austrian Federal Constitution until this day.

Hans Kelsen believed that a republic's positive development could only evolve in a parliamentarian democracy: Progress could only come about by improving the state. Kelsen 's Pure Theory of Law means a theory of law purified of all political ideologies as well as of all scientific elements. His theory which represents a concept based on legal positivism went down in the history of law as the " Wiener Schule ".

Basic principles of the constitution

All laws and their enforcement are based on the constitution. Austria is a democratic Republic and a Federal State built on three basic principles: