2022 Amendment Measures

A RESOLUTION to submit to the voters of Clark County a proposal to amend the Clark County Home Rule Charter to authorize the County Auditor in the administration of elections to implement ranked-choice voting for county elected officials' positions. Go to the complete resolution >

Resolution No. 2021-9

A RESOLUTION to submit to the voters of Clark County a proposal to amend the Clark County Home Rule Charter requiring the County Council during the appointment process in hiring a new county manager to consult in a public meeting with County Executive Elected Officials. Go to the complete resolution >

Resolution No. 2021-10

A RESOLUTION to submit to the voters of Clark County a proposal to amend the Clark County Home Rule Charter by adding a Preamble Section to the Charter. Go to the full resolution >

Resolution No. 2021-11

A RESOLUTION to submit to the voters of Clark County a proposal to amend the Clark County Home Rule Charter by adding a Vacancy Section to the Charter in the event an elected county official position becomes vacant. Go to the full resolution >

Resolution No. 2021-12

A RESOLUTION to submit to the voters of Clark County that changes the initiative and referendum signature percentage requirements from 10 percent to 8 percent and allows for the transfer of signatures from the initiative process to the mini initiative process. Go to the full resolution >

Resolution No. 2021-13

A RESOLUTION to submit to the voters of Clark County a proposal to amend the Clark County Home Rule Charter by establishment of a Diversity and Inclusion Officer position, and a new Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Commission. Go to the full resolution >