Evaluation of security regarding Z-Wave wireless protocol

Authors : Muneer Bani Yassein , Wail Mardini , Taha Almasri Authors Info & Claims

Article No.: 32, Pages 1 - 8 Published : 19 June 2018 Publication History 10 citation 345 Downloads Total Citations 10 Total Downloads 345 Last 12 Months 23 Last 6 weeks 1 Get Citation Alerts

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Editorial Notes

NOTICE OF CONCERN: ACM has received evidence that casts doubt on the integrity of the peer review process for the ICEMIS 2018 Conference. As a result, ACM is issuing a Notice of Concern for all papers published and strongly suggests that the papers from this Conference not be cited in the literature until ACM's investigation has concluded and final decisions have been made regarding the integrity of the peer review process for this Conference.


In the early adoptions of Z-Wave protocol for smart home automation, security issues were not taken into consideration. As this protocols got higher adoption rates, more security studies were performed to increase the security level of this protocol and solve many of the security bugs founds. The first issue, the protocols has no encryption and weak security procedures adopted to protect the commands during transmissions. There were significant improvements in order to make this protocol security levels reach AES 128-bit encryption, which is the same level of protection major banks use. In this paper, our researcher is focused on vulnerabilities, weakness and how the administrators can protect their home area networks (HANs) that uses Z-wave protocol with an additional security.


Crowley, D., Bryan, D. and Savage, J., 2013, July. Home Invasion V2. 0-Attacking Network-Controlled Hardware. In Proc. Black Hat (pp. 1--15).