Computer applications in pharmaceutical research and development

The history of computers in pharmaceutical research and development: a narrative / Donald B. Boyd and Max M. Marsh -- Computers as data analysis and data management tools in preclinical development / Weiyong Li and Kenneth Banks -- Statistical modeling in pharmaceutical research and development / Andrea de Gaetano . [et al.] -- Drug discovery from historic herbal texts / Eric J. Buenz -- Contextualizing the impact of bioinformatics on preclinical drug and vaccine discovery / Darren R. Flower -- Computers and systems biology for pharmaceutical research and development / Sean Ekins and Craig Giroux -- Information management-biodata in life sciences / Richard K. Scott and Anthony Parsons -- Chemoinformatics techniques for processing chemical structure databases / Valerie J. Gillet and Peter Willett -- Electronic laboratory notebooks / Alfred Nehme and Robert A. Scoffin -- Strategies for using information effectively in early stage drug discovery / David J. Wild -- Improving the pharmaceutical research and development process: how simulation can support management decision-making / Andrew Chadwick . [et al.] --

Computers and protein crystallography / David J. Edwards and Roderick E. Hubbard -- Computers, cheminformatics, and the medicinal chemist / Weifan Zheng and Michael L. Jones -- The challenges of making useful protein-ligand free energy predictions for drug discovery / Jun Shimada -- Computer algorithms for selecting molecule libraries for synthesis / Konstantin V. Balakin, Nikolay P. Savchuk, and Alex Kiselyov -- Success stories of computer-aided design / Hugo Kubinyi -- Pharmaceutical research and development productivity: can software help? / Christophe Lambert and Stan Young -- Computer methods for predicting drug metabolism / Sean Ekins -- Computers in toxicology and risk assessment / John C. Dearden -- Computer optimization of biopharmaceutical properties / Cheng Chang and Peter W. Swaan -- Computer simulations in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics rediscovering systems physiology in the 21st century / Paolo Vicini -- Predictive models for better decisions from understanding physiology to optimizing trial design / James R. Bosley, Jr --

Making pharmaceutical development more efficient / Michael Rosenberg and Richard Farris -- Use of interactive software in medical decision making / Renee Arnold -- Clinical data collection and management / Mazen Abdellatif -- Regulation of computer systems / Sandy Weinberg -- A new paradigm for analyzing adverse drug events / Ana Szarfman, Jonathan G. Levine and Joseph M. Tonning -- Computers in pharmaceutical formulation / Raymond C. Rowe and Elizabeth A. Colbourn -- Legal protection of innovative uses of computers in research and development / Robert Harrison -- The ethics of computing in pharmaceutical research / Matthew K. McGowan and Richard J. McGowan -- The Ultralink: an expert system for contextual hyperlinking in knowledge management / Martin Romacker . [et al.] -- Powerful, predictive and pervasive: the future of computers in the pharmaceutical industry / Nick Davies, Heather Ahlborn, Stuart T. Henderson

[WorldCat (this item)]

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