Connect with PMBC

Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC) is a multi-billion dollar public/private initiative developed by MEDC in 2011 that connects Michigan goods and service suppliers with all levels of corporate purchasers at no cost to them. PMBC also supports international companies looking for joint ventures or R&D partnerships with qualified Michigan partners.

PMBC’s mission is to help Michigan businesses grow by:

Since 2011, PMBC has:

PMBC has worked with executive, purchasing, engineering and R&D teams in industries such as automotive, aerospace and defense, agribusiness, finance, healthcare, information technology, advertising and many others to uncover new opportunities for Michigan-based suppliers. PMBC has a vast and diverse supplier network that can meet and fulfill critical supply chain or market entry gaps. The PMBC research team has a range of expertise to cater to any niche business need or large project, making us the right choice when you’re looking to make new strategic connections in Michigan or globally.

300 N. Washington Sq., Lansing, MI 48913
© 2024 Michigan Economic Development Corporation